Thursday, June 11, 2015

Because I Am A Christian...

Because I am a Christian, it does not mean I am perfect. I have my share of struggles too.

Because I am a Christian, it does not mean I know what I am supposed to do in life. I'm still looking for what I am called to do.

Because I am a Christian, it does not mean my life is boring. I can have fun too.

Because I am a Christian, it does not mean I have the answers to everything. There are some things I will never know.

Because I am a Christian, it does not mean I am intolerant. I realize that people will have different views, but that doesn't mean I won't say my own.

Because I am a Christian, I try to make God the center of my life. Everything else comes after.

Because I am a Christian, I treat life with respect. Everyone from the unborn up is precious in His sight.

Because I am a Christian, I strive to be holy, or simply "the best version of myself". Each and every day, I have a choice of how I will be who God wants me to be.

Because I am a Christian, I love everyone. Love just means willing the good of others before myself.

Why am I a Christian?

I am a Christian because it is my choice. Nobody can force me to be one; I am only invited.

I am a Christian because I struggle sometimes. There is no source of hope and strength than that of God.

I am a Christian because I need forgiveness. In forgiveness, there is peace.

I am a Christian because I am weak. I need the strength to carry on.

I am a Christian because I find peace in God. When life is like a hurricane, He is the eye in the center of the storm.

I am a Christian because I want to do God's will. I want be everything I am meant to be.

I am a Christian because I need guidance. In prayer, I can more fully know what I am to do.

I am a Christian because I am not perfect. I have need of a Savior.

I am a Christian because I believe. I believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, and that Jesus died and rose again so that we may have eternal life.

Why are you a Christian?

~Emily Silverwing

1 comment:

  1. This was amazing, I love this. I have found very few things that have ever so plainly and simply yet beautifully expressed the purpose and meaning of Christianity. Often times I've been faced with the same question but in a negative way, and I felt I could never adequately express why. This summed it up perfectly. Thank you for giving me ideas and things to say, and food for thought.
